Biblical Foundations of Literature

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


So, I decided I would post about everything. Not just part of everything, but all of it. So pardon any ramblings, and any long length this post might acheive.

Of course, due to the nature of this class, this discussion of everything will naturally have to do with the Bible. All of it.

We, being more than I, have, due to the issue of time, only looked at a portion of the Bible. In English. Which, as we all know, is the language Jesus spoke. With all the thees and thous, one knows God was in charge. And spoke what he spoke. And nothing else. And so we gathered our knowledge, and pooled our resources, and this was the result. We searched for many days and soon detrimened our answer, or lack there of.

So I'm done. Length is lost.


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